Post by trijezdciDoes anyone have a Modula-2/Oberon/Pascal syntax specification file for Visual Studio Code to do syntax highlighting?
My understanding is that VS Code uses TextMate-compatible syntax specification files. Google modula2.tmLanguage or oberon.tmLanguage for some example specification files.
There are also a number of ready-made Oberon / FreePascal / Delphi VS Code extensions available in the VS Code marketplace.
When evaluating them I recommend using a simple test that we used when looking for Oberon syntax-editing specifications to use in our CPIde and Astrobe editors. i.e. can it handle nested comments?
If you have a working example, open a large file and insert '(*', or maybe '{' (for Delphi / FreePascal) at some arbitrary point. If it can't handle that then there is not much point looking any further.
Chris Burrows
CFB Software