2020-10-13 16:33:49 UTC
I am working on a project, the nature of which requires that it is portable across dialects, compilers, targets and memory models.
Having examined some 16 or 17 classic Modula-2 compilers (PIM and ISO), I concluded that there are three different memory models:
(1) 16-bit CARDINAL, 32-bit LONGINT
(2) 32-bit CARDINAL, 32-bit LONGINT
(3) 32-bit CARDINAL, 64-bit LONGINT
In other words, it would seem that no matter which compiler, target and memory model, type LONGINT is always at least 32-bit wide.
Nevertheless, I would be interested to learn of any exceptions where this is not the case. So, if you have come across a compiler providing a memory model different than the above mentioned three cases, please post a reply to let me know which compiler/target and the bit widths for CARDINAL and LONGINT.
Thank you in advance.
Having examined some 16 or 17 classic Modula-2 compilers (PIM and ISO), I concluded that there are three different memory models:
(1) 16-bit CARDINAL, 32-bit LONGINT
(2) 32-bit CARDINAL, 32-bit LONGINT
(3) 32-bit CARDINAL, 64-bit LONGINT
In other words, it would seem that no matter which compiler, target and memory model, type LONGINT is always at least 32-bit wide.
Nevertheless, I would be interested to learn of any exceptions where this is not the case. So, if you have come across a compiler providing a memory model different than the above mentioned three cases, please post a reply to let me know which compiler/target and the bit widths for CARDINAL and LONGINT.
Thank you in advance.