2015-12-15 23:39:50 UTC
My comments prefaced with "-->".
m2c Modula-2 Compiler & Translator, version 1.00
line: 40, column: 13, unexpected identifier 'C' found
expected symbol ';'
line: 40, column: 14, unexpected symbol ';' found
expected symbol '='
--> m2c does not accept 0C.
line: 55, column: 14, unexpected reserved word END found
expected identifier.
--> offending code follows with line numbers in comments.
Option = RECORD
minlength : CARDINAL;
maxlength : CARDINAL;
text : OptionText;
END; (*l. 55*)
line: 63, column: 52, unexpected symbol ':' found
expected symbol ')'
line: 64, column: 27, unexpected symbol ',' found
expected symbol ';'
--> offending code follows
PROCEDURE InitOption(optkind: OptionKind; opttext: OptionText;
min, max: CARDINAL); (*l. 64*)
line 70, column 5, error: semicolon at end of statement sequence
line 71, column 3, error: semicolon at end of statement sequence
line: 71, column: 17, unexpected symbol ';' found
expected symbol '.'
--> offending code follows
WITH options[optkind] DO
text := opttext;
minlength := min;
maxlength := max;
END; (*l. 70*)
END InitOption;
line: 172, column: 44, invalid character, offending character: '>'
--> "<>" not accpedted: offending code follows
WHILE (ix <= HIGH(ext)) AND (ext[ix] <> null) AND (*l. 172*)
(pos <= HIGH(fname)) DO
line: 206, column: 47, invalid character, offending character: '>'
line: 207, column: 28, invalid character, offending character: '>'
line: 207, column: 51, invalid character, offending character: '>'
--> all refer to "<>" not accepted
parse error count: 8
m2c Modula-2 Compiler & Translator, version 1.00
line: 40, column: 13, unexpected identifier 'C' found
expected symbol ';'
line: 40, column: 14, unexpected symbol ';' found
expected symbol '='
--> m2c does not accept 0C.
line: 55, column: 14, unexpected reserved word END found
expected identifier.
--> offending code follows with line numbers in comments.
Option = RECORD
minlength : CARDINAL;
maxlength : CARDINAL;
text : OptionText;
END; (*l. 55*)
line: 63, column: 52, unexpected symbol ':' found
expected symbol ')'
line: 64, column: 27, unexpected symbol ',' found
expected symbol ';'
--> offending code follows
PROCEDURE InitOption(optkind: OptionKind; opttext: OptionText;
min, max: CARDINAL); (*l. 64*)
line 70, column 5, error: semicolon at end of statement sequence
line 71, column 3, error: semicolon at end of statement sequence
line: 71, column: 17, unexpected symbol ';' found
expected symbol '.'
--> offending code follows
WITH options[optkind] DO
text := opttext;
minlength := min;
maxlength := max;
END; (*l. 70*)
END InitOption;
line: 172, column: 44, invalid character, offending character: '>'
--> "<>" not accpedted: offending code follows
WHILE (ix <= HIGH(ext)) AND (ext[ix] <> null) AND (*l. 172*)
(pos <= HIGH(fname)) DO
line: 206, column: 47, invalid character, offending character: '>'
line: 207, column: 28, invalid character, offending character: '>'
line: 207, column: 51, invalid character, offending character: '>'
--> all refer to "<>" not accepted
parse error count: 8