Post by Objective Modula-2Following popular request, I have converted and reformatted the plain
text file describing the Modula-2 R10 dialect into a PDF document. The
I clearly recall how valuable the 'railroad diagrams' from the J & W Pascal
User Manual and Report were to me when initially learning the language. I
guess it is along the lines of 'a picture is worth a thousand words'.
If you are interested in also representing your syntax in this graphical
form I recommend a neat tool called 'EBNF Visualizer' by Stefan
Schoergenhumer and Markus Dopler (supported by Hanspeter Moessenboeck) at
the University of Linz:
We used it with great effect to create the Oberon-07 Syntax Diagrams as part
of the development of Astrobe:
Chris Burrows
CFB Software